Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 1: P90X Plyometrics

So today marks my 90 day journey to a healthier lifestyle. Holy Cow. If today gives an accurate taste of what the rest of this program has in store for me.. I AM SCREWED. P90X does NOT PLAY. I did about 2 weeks or so of Power 90 and got pretty used to the workouts. I thought that it was too easy and therefore 'upgraded' to P90X. After this first workout, Im starting to question myself as to why i wanted to go for something harder. I would quit now, but what good will that do right? Anyway, to start things off, heres a list of the things that you have to do in Plyometrics:

- Jump Squat ,Run Stance Squats ,Airborne Heismans ,Swing Kicks

- Squat Reach Jumps ,Run Stance Squat Switch Pick Ups ,Double Airborne Heismans ,Circle Run

- Jump Knee Tucks ,Mary Katherine Lunges ,Leapfrog Squats ,Twist Combos

- Rock Star Hops ,Gag Jumps ,Squat Jacks ,Military Marches

- Run Squat 180 ,Lateral Leapfrog Squats ,Monster Truck Tire Jumps ,Hot Foot Jumps

- BONUS! ,Pitch & Catch ,Jump Shots ,Football Hero

Fun Right! Oh and did I mention that each sequence is repeated twice! I can't believe I got through it all! It was barely in the second sequence and I was ready to stop! I was practically crying when I thought we finished after the third sequence only to find out that i was just 'half way through'! BOMBER! This is by far the hardest workout I have ever done in my life! I actually just finished a couple of hours ago and I am already starting to get sore. I am both excited and really nervous for tomorrow! I have read a few blogs on the internet and most people say that they feel so weak the second day. Tomorrow is also a school day so I have to wake up at around 4:50 to get my workout in before school. Whatever happens, I will try my best this week and I will keep pushing play! Most P90x Grads say that the first week is the worse but keep pushing because the results are worth the sweat and hard work!


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