Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 6: P90X Legs and Back

So today is Saturday and I woke up from bed DREADING to do the workout. Nevertheless, I made myself get up and do Legs&Back. I am actually pretty disappointed with myself. I didn't quite feel as accomplished as I usually do after finishing a P90X workout. This workout was also an hour of hell! There was just no way that I was going to finish it! I did, however, do about 87% of the workout. I had a lot of trouble with the wall squats and when it came time for the single leg wall squats, I just gave up. This is actually the first time I have done this with P90X. I cannot believe I did that.

After the gruesome hour of squats and repeated chin ups (which I still use the bands for), there was just no way that I would be able to do Ab Ripper X, so once again I skipped it altogether. I am actually pretty guilty for doing this so instead of a full day of rest tomorrow, I am going to try to stick in 15 mins for Ab Ripper. Hopefully I'll have some time!

Anyway, I cannot wait until next week to do this work out all over. I just know that I can, and will do better!

One week of P90X down, 12 more to go! Oh, and I lost 1+ pound(s) this week! That’s amazing. I thought that I hit a plateau and wouldn't be able to lose any more weight after losing 16 pounds 2 weeks prior to P90X. I guess the whole muscle confusion concept really does work! Six Pack abs, and a low body fat percentage.. here I come! **crosses my fingers**


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